Sarah Gish

Intuitive guide, artist, enrichment expert, community labyrinth leader, and igniter Sarah Gish is the owner of Gish Creative (www.gishcreative.com), a personal, family, and business enrichment company whose goal is to ignite lives, champion culture, and create connections. Gish Creative was founded in 2000 after Sarah left her position as the Houston City Manager for Landmark Theatres (River Oaks and Greenway movie theatres) and, prior to that, jobs at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston and the Blaffer Gallery. She lived abroad in Paris for four months and in Japan (various cities) for three years, where she was an English teacher and radio DJ.
Upon her return to the U.S., she did some radio hosting with KPFT-FM Houston and radio advertising sales at stations in Virginia and Texas. She grew up in Houston near Rice University, in Southampton, and she received a Bachelor of Arts in Art History from the University of Texas/Austin.
And Sarah is an artist – one who creates mostly out of found materials, especially hubcaps, which she featured in her “Mod Mandalas: The Chakra Series.” In 2013, she started an art project, IGNITE YOUR LIFE! (www.igniteyourownlife.com), which includes photographs, videos, workshops, jewelry, and a forthcoming book. She has created four art cars and currently drives her fourth, Phoenix Rising, www.facebook.com/phoenixrisingartcar. And in 2015, she kicked off a speaker series, WORDS OF WISDOM: lively talks on inspiring topics (www.facebook.com/wordsofwisdomhouston), which features conversational talks from Houston changemakers and leaders such as sociologist Dr. Stephen Klineberg and mindfulness expert Micki Fine. The WOW series will be moving to the Hines Center for Spirituality and Prayer (www.hinescenter.org) downtown starting in 2016.
It is her greatest joy to encourage people to live the life they were born to lead and to connect with everyone she comes in contact with in some way.